Saturday, October 25, 2008

Check-In Days 4 and 5 (Saturday and Sunday)

Oops...I kinda dropped the ball. Life got in the way :-)
Anyways, how is the weekend going so far? We just got done with a day trip to Austin.
Give us your score! (Out of 5 days.)


Brandi said...

Got my reading done for both days, but not in bed on time I am 4.5/5.

Missy said...

Goodness these days are going by fast! I am 2/5 for praying for every at every meal each day. It is having an effect on my eating habits already and I'm very surprised!

I'm troubled by my scoring. Since I eat about 4 times a day - two meals, two snacks - should I score per meal? Like .25 for each meal? Somedays I miss one meal, so I am not counting that day as a success and it is very discouraging.

I am doing great on keeping up with my last habit. Good job, Brandi!

Brandi said...

Hey Missy...please count .25 each meal! Or you can count "1" if you did for most meals that day and "0" if you did for less than 1/2. I am so glad it's been a blessing for has been for me as well...WHEN I remember! ;-)

Brandi said...

BTW, Missy, I got confused...they were not going by quite as fast as it seemed. This post was really supposed to be "Sat and Sun) and I fixed it now. Posting check-ins early had confused me, but I think it's all better now...and I will actually put the day of the week on there to help me stay on track. :-)

Missy said...

Oh, okay - so when I checked in I was 2/4 & Sunday evening I was 3/5. I did not pay attention to each meal specifically on those days, but I will. I just wanted to make sure I was not cheating. :)

I'll do it the way you suggest, 1 for most, and 0 for less than half. That way if I eat more or less than 4 meals, I'm still on track.

Thanks, Brandi!

Anonymous said...


Charlotte Cushman said...

I got up Saturday, but did not on Sunday. Char

Charlotte Cushman said...

Well of course I got up. :) Just not at 6! char