Thursday, October 23, 2008

Day 3 Check-In (Friday)

I will likely post each check-in a day in advance. Hope this isn't confusing, but that way I will beat the early birds to the punch. ;-)

How is everything going? Give us your score so 3/3, 2/3, etc. I'll check in with you later in the day!


Charlotte Cushman said...

Hey! Today I did not get up at 6. I was not feeling well and slept later. Char

Brandi said...

Hope you're feeling better, Char. :-)

Unknown said...

Well, I did okay today. The day went fine.. but It's Friday... and we watched a movie with treats. I actually was very conscious of what I ate. But I still ate more than I needed. Slowly but surely I am being healed from gluttony. Praise our Awesome God!

Anonymous said...


Brandi said...

got my reading done and in bed on time...3/3 :-)