Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Welcome To The Habit Challenge Blog!

For those of us participating in the 21-Day Habit Challenge, this is where we will have our daily check-ins. First check-in will be tomorrow. See you then!


Charlotte Cushman said...

Brandi- Just checking in early that I got up at 6 this morning. Thanks! char

Brandi said...

Great for you, Girl!!

Unknown said...

I just wanted to let you know that I decided that my habit that I want to break is taking seconds. I have gotten into the habit of going back to the cafeteria for dessert. Plus I plan to only get a main dish (at the cafeteria you wait in line and the cooks give you the food) and either soup, salad, dessert, or a piece of fruit.
When I'm at home I will not take seconds. I can wait til the next meal. So my main habit that I want to break is eating seconds.

Brandi said...

glad you're joining us, Layna! :-)