Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Day 1 Check-in

Char beat me to the punch...she was up at 6:00am. Go Char!!
How is everyone else doing this fine first day of a new Habit Challenge?


Debbie said...

Looks like I'm first!

It's bedtime here. I've read my bible a bit, but I need to do some more intentional reading. I've been going going going since 7:30 this a.m. (it's now 11:30 p.m.). So I'm off to bed now, where I'll read for at least 10 more minutes.

Hope all's well with everyone!

Brandi said...

I've done my reading too. :-)

Unknown said...

I did not have seconds today! I had all three meals at the cafeteria (I'm a college student) and I didn't go back once:-D I decided to stick to the main dishes. I am pleasantly full (not stuffed and not hungry) so I think that today was a successful day. I did not overeat today:-)

Anonymous said...

Didn't quite manage my computer time in the allotted (sp) time but definitely cut way back. Will do more so tomorrow